Travel Information and Excursion

Travel Information in Kyoto

From Airport to Kyoto station

From (Osaka) Kansai International Airport
From Itami Airport

From Kyoto station to Niijima Kaikan

Map of Kyoto city, including Niijima Kaikan (Venue) and Heian Kaikan (Banquet).
By taxi:

By bus:

By subway:

Tour Guide

The following picutres are very selective sights in Kyoto.

Kiyomizudera Fushimi-Inari Byodoin-Hoodo Kinkakuji

More information of Kyoto city is Here


Currently the following two courses are planned:

Course1: First Kyoto
visit some of Kinkakuji (Golden Temple) and Kiyomizudera , etc.
Course2: First Nara
visit Todaiji (Great Buddha) and some of other nice places around Nara Park, such as Kofukuji with famous ASHURA

The registration to excursion will be made on-site. Depending on the number of registrations, two courses might be merged into one, or with strong supports an additional tour, Deep Kyoto, might be organized. The cost is expected to be around 3,000yen or more depending on the course, and the number of participants in each course may be limited. Details will be announced here soon.

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