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ERATO conference on

Quantum Information Science 2004 (EQIS'04)

September 1-5, 2004, Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan

Organized by ERATO Quantum Computation and Information Project
in cooperation with NII (National Institute Informatics)

group photo


The EQIS meetings are to focus on quantum information science and technology, a new interdisciplinary field bridging computer science, quantum physics, mathematics, information theory, statistics, optics- and nano-technologies. EQIS'04 will be the fourth conference in a series and is to concentrate on theoretical and also experimental aspects of quantum information science.

Contributions for short communications and posters will be solicited in the research areas related to quantum information science, including, but not limited to:

Steering Chair:

Conference Chairs:

Keynote Speaker:

Invited Speakers:

Program Committee:

Organizing Committee:

Important Dates:


Paper submission:

Each paper will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract describing original research (with an optional appendix containing more details to be read/consulted at the discretion of the Program Committee). The extended abstract should be prepared in no more than 8 pages for an oral presentation and no more than 4 pages for a poster. Contributions can be submitted electronically via the submission website If you have any problem on your submission, please contact eqis-pc-sec@qci.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/qci.


Information for Presentation


Accompanying Person

Accompanying person's banquet fee is 6000 yen which can be paid by cash at the reception desk on September 1st or 2nd.

Hotel and Travel Information

Access Information and the Maps around the Venue

Internet Connection

We will prepare wireless LAN access points in the conference hall and a few laptop PCs in PC room during EQIS'04. If you connect to the internet through wireless LAN, please prepare an IEEE802.11b wireless network interface card by yourself.

Passport and Visa Requirements


EQIS Logo(small) EQIS Logo(Normal)

Contact address: eqis@qci.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/qci

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