Instructions for abstracts

We kindly ask the authors of invited talks, accepted talks and posters to prepare camera ready versions of their extended abstracts using the templates described below and send it to us (as a tex-file and pdf-file) using the email address before July 31,2012.

In case we will have some problems with your manuscript we will contact you as soon as possible and therefore provide us with an email address where we can reach you very fast.

When sending your abstract via email please indicate at the subject line your name and the easy chair submission number (with the exception of abstracts for invited speakers).





firstname_familyname_Easychair-Submission-Number.tex, firstname_familyname_Easychair-Submission-Number.pdf  

FORMAT of the manuscript:

Basic format:

* A4 format;
* At most two pages including the title page;
* No numbering of pages and no headings;
* File format: pdf (and latex).


* Top, foot and side margins should be at least 2cm, 2.5cm and 1.5 cm , respectively.
* Title page should have:
          * top margin at least 3cm,
          * title of the abstract,
          * authors names, affiliations and emails,
          * up to 100 words abstract,
          * 1-2 lines of keywords,
          * Beginning of the main body - two columns.
*Second page: Continuation of the main body of the extended abstract - two columns.

Style and template files: DownloadFiles(ZIP)

Template files (LaTeX file, PDF file)
LaTeX style file(aqis.sty)