
Paper Submission

(All at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE), in 2014)

  • Submission deadline: 8 June 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: 7 July 2014
  • Final manuscript deadline: 22 July 2014

Conference format: The program will consist of invited talks, contributed long
talks and contributed short talks. By default, each submission will be considered for a long talk,
a short talk, or a poster, in this order of preference. The submissions page allows authors to
express their preference for talk or poster.

Each submission will be reviewed by the programme committee on the basis of an extended abstract describing the original research.
The extended abstract should clearly explain within 2-3 pages the
contribution and its significance.


The submission to AQIS should consist of 2 to 3 pages, containing a non-technical,
clear and insightful description of the results and main ideas, their impact, and
their importance to quantum information and computation. In addition, the submission
must refer to a technical version of the work, either posted to an online repository,
such as, or uploaded alongside the submission. The main submission should
not consist of a compressed version of the technical exposition of the paper, but
instead should help the program committee assess its importance. The technical
version will be considered at the discretion of the program committee only. The space
limit of 2 to 3 pages concerns a text written in an at least 11-point font (preferably 12 points)
convenient enough for the PC members to read. References can use additional pages.

Submissions deviating significantly from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration
of their merits.

Contributions must be submitted electronically via the submission website. AQIS’14 uses the
EasyChair System to manage paper submissions. To submit your paper, you will first need to
sign in to the EasyChair System.

The EasyChair submission page is here.

Please upload your 2 to 3 page non-technical contribution in required field “Paper”. The technical
version may be uploaded in optional field “Attachment” if it is not already posted to an online repository
such as, in which case the non-technical contribution should provide the appropriate URL.

If your abstract is accepted, you should submit a camera-ready, 2-page version of your extended abstract by July 22, 2014.
For further information, please check the Final Manuscript Submission page.