Poster session III (Aug 31)

* Ordered by poster number : The number in parentheses behind the poster number indicates the submission number. The poster walls support A0(841*1189 mm) portrait format, but no printing service is offered at the venue.

C1(4) Donghoon Ha and Jeong San Kim : Entanglement witness and multipartite quantum state discrimination

C2(63) Tatsuki Odake, Hlér Kristjánsson, Akihito Soeda and Mio Murao : Higher-order quantum transformations of Hamiltonian dynamics

C3(291) Sangjin Lee, Seong-yeop Lee and Seung-Woo Lee : Higher-order Trotterization against total errors in digitial quantum simulation

C4(262) Varun Narasimhachar : The coherent measurement cost of coherence distillation

C5(288) Wooyeong Song, Nuri Kang, Yong-Su Kim and Seung-Woo Lee : Encoded-Fusion based Quantum Computation with photons

C6(192) Jeongsoo Kang, Chanpyo Kim, Younghun Kim and Younghun Kwon : Design of three-qubit system with three transmons and single resonator in a transmon-based quantum computer

C7(324) Mi-Jung So, Dongni Chen and Mahn-Soo Choi : Generic Decoherence Free subspace of Non-Interacting Open Quantum System

C8(253) Youngrong Lim, Minki Hhan and Hyukjoon Kwon : Non-destructive quantum state discrimination

C9(146) Sewon Jeong, Hyang-Tag Lim, Yong-Su Kim and Seung-Woo Lee : Recovery of entanglement distributed via entanglement swapping over noisy quantum channel

C10(133) Byeongseon Go and Hyunseok Jeong : Exploring Shallow-Depth Boson Sampling for Scalable Quantum Supremacy

C11(289) Binke Xia, Jingzheng Huang and Guihua Zeng : Toward Incompatible Quantum Limits on Multiparameter Estimation

C12(290) Kwang-Jun Choi and Seung-Woo Lee : Resource-efficient probabilistic detection of GHZ entanglement with conditional witness

C13(214) Yaswitha Gujju, Rong-Yang Sun, Tomonori Shirakawa and Seiji Yunoki : Exploring Toric Code Model: Comparative Performance Analysis of the Parameterized Loop Gas Circuit in Noisy Quantum Systems

C14(16) Changhao Yi and Milad Marvian : Analysis of Higher Order Dynamical Decoupling by Relative Integral Action Method

C15(168) Hyoengjun Jeon, Kyungmin Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Bongsang Kim and Taehyun Kim : Optimal Qubit Permutation Search for Matrix Product State Encoding with Minimal Loss

C16(269) Arindam Mitra, Himanshu Badhani and Sibasish Ghosh : Improvement in quantum communication using quantum switch

C17(152) Seongwook Shin, Yong Siah Teo and Hyunseok Jeong : Analyzing quantum machine learning using tensor network

C18(23) Seok-Hyung Lee and Hyunseok Jeong : Graph-theoretical optimization of fusion-based graph state generation

C19(284) Youngchul Kim, Soo-Cheol Oh, Sangmin Lee, Ki-Sung Jin and Gyuil Cha : Implementation of lattice surgery-based logical operations in a fault-tolerant quantum software framework

C20(148) Nuri Kang, Jaehak Lee and Seung-Woo Lee : Fault-tolerance analysis of photonic hybrid quantum computation

C21(304) Bohdan Bilash, Youngrong Lim, Hyukjoon Kwon, Yosep Kim, Hyang-Tag Lim, Wooyeong Song and Yong-Su Kim : Nondestructive Bell state discrimination between distant particles

C22(246) Mingrui Jing, Geng Liu, Hongbin Ren and Xin Wang : Quantum sequential scattering model for quantum state learning

C23(98) Takuya Hatomura : The first-order Trotter decomposition in the dynamical-invariant basis

C24(273) Shintaro Minagawa, Kenta Sakai, Kohtaro Kato and Francesco Buscemi : The work associated with quantum information processing driven by the assistance of a controller

C25(17) Clive Aw, Valerio Scarani, Kelvin Onggadinata and Dagomir Kaszlikowski : Quantum Bayesian Inference in Quasiprobability Representations

C26(303) Kyunghyun Baek, Junghee Ryu and Jinhyoung Lee : Robustness measures for quantifying nonlocality

C27(315) Jeonghyeon Shin and Seung-Woo Lee : Chracterizing genuine nonlocality in the square network

C28(252) Kaiwei Qiu, Yu Cai, Nelly Ng and Jing Yan Haw : Building a certifiable source device independent quantum random number generator

C29(177) Junseo Lee, Kibum Bae, Chang-Nyoung Song and Hyunchul Jung : Optimizing Quantum Integer Factorization Performance: A Scalable Evaluation Approach with Parameter Pre-Selection Method

C30(42) Su-Yong Lee, Dong Hwan Kim, Yonggi Jo, Zaeil Kim and Duk Y. Kim : Quantum target detection under single-mode Gaussian channel

C31(186) Theodoros Kapourniotis, Elham Kashefi, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music and Harold Ollivier : Asymmetric Quantum Secure Multi-Party Computation With Weak Clients Against Dishonest Majority

C32(124) Ge Bai, Dominik Šafránek, Joseph Schindler, Francesco Buscemi and Valerio Scarani : Fully quantum observational entropy

C33(302) Minki Woo, Changhoon Park and Sang-wook Han : Plug-and-play QKD architecture with self-optical pulse train generator

C34(311) Kun Hee Park, Hoang Long Nguyen, Yuanzheng Paul Tan, Rangga Perdana Budoyo, Yung Szen Yap, Senthil Kumar Karuppannan, Christoph Hufnagel and Rainer Dumke : Strategies to Mitigate Decoherence in Superconducting Qubits

C35(135) Guedong Park, Yong Siah Teo and Hyunseok Jeong : Resource-efficient shadow tomography with equatorial measurements

C36(119) Minjin Choi, Eunok Bae and Soojoon Lee : Tripartite entanglement measures based on three-party teleportation capability

C37(244) Nahuel Diaz, Paolo Braccia, Martín Larroca, Marco Cerezo, Juan Matera and Raul Rossignoli : Parallel-in-time quantum simulation via Page and Wootters quantum time

C38(307) Chang-Hoon Park, Min-Ki Woo, Byung-Kwon Park, Seung-Woo Jeon, Hojoong Jung, Sangin Kim and Sang-Wook Han : Efficient MZM Bias Control Method for Quantum Key Distribution Systems

C39(139) Wojciech Roga, Takafumi Ono, Baptiste Chevalier and Masahiro Takeoka : Universal quantum optical classifier on a silicon chip

C40(283) Uta Meyer, Ivan Supic, Frédéric Grosshans and Damian Markham : Self-Testing Graph States Permitting Bounded Classical Communication

C41(120) Donghwa Lee, Kyujin Shin, Yosep Kim, Hyang-Tag Lim and Yong-Su Kim : Implementation of multiparty reference-frame-independent QKD using $N$-qubit GHZ state

C42(153) Seok Hyung Lie, Hyunseok Jeong and Myungshik S. Kim : Quantum operations with superposed time axis

C43(34) Aditya Nema, Ananda G. Maity, Sergii Strelchuk and David Elkouss: Noise is resource-contextual in quantum communication

C44(301) Ji Woong Choi and Sang-Wook Han : Quantum public key cryptography using single qubit rotation operators

C45(171) Tae-Hun Lee and Jarosław Korbicz : Objectivity in a simple harmonic oscillator in spin environment

C46(43) Jaesung Heo, Junghyun Kim, Taek Jeong, Yong Sup Ihn, Duk Y. Kim, Zaeill Kim and Yonggi Jo : Quantum-Secured Single-Pixel Imaging with Advanced Security

C47(12) Kai Sun : Observing shareability of multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering

C48(87) Jason Gavriel, Daniel Herr, Alexis Shaw, Michael Bremner, Alexandru Paler and Simon Devitt : Transversal Injection: A method for direct encoding of ancilla states for non-Clifford gates using stabiliser codes

C49(230) David Clarino, Shohei Kuroda and Shigeru Yamashita : Reducing T-count in Quantum Boolean Circuits by Exploiting Relative Phase Boolean Functions

C50(106) Florian Meier and Hayata Yamasaki : Energy-Consumption Advantage of Quantum Computation

C51(260) Jun Wu, Hao Fu, Mingzheng Zhu, Wei Xie and Xiang-Yang Li : Quantum Circuit Autoencoder

C52(52) Junxiang Huang, Wenhao He, Yunkun Zhang, Yusen Wu, Bujiao Wu and Xiao Yuan : Tensor Network Assisted Variational Quantum Algorithm

C53(27) Philip Taranto, Marco Tulio Quintino, Mio Murao and Simon Milz : Characterising and Controlling Complex Quantum Processes with Classical Memory

C54(99) Jian Leng, Fan Yang and Xiang-Bin Wang : Improving D2p Grover’s algorithm to reach performance upper bound under phase noise

C55(299) Tianyu Yang, Yixin Shen, Zhoukai Cao and Xiangbin Wang : Post-selection in noisy Gaussian boson sampling: part is better than whole

C56(292) Seong-Yeop Lim, Sangjin Lee and Seung-Woo Lee : Trotter error analysis under decoherence in digital quantum simulation

C57(313) Spiros Kechrimparis, Mile Gu and Hyukjoon Kwon : Causal asymmetry of input-output processes

C58(285) Ha Eum Kim and Kabgyun Jeong : Port Based Entanglement Teleportation

C59(147) Jaehak Lee, Nuri Kang and Seung-Woo Lee : Discrete and continuous variable hybrid quantum computation using single photon and cat code

C60(51) Min Namkung, Jeongsoo Kang and Younghun Kwon : Modeling and physically interpreting dissipative dynamics of a charge qubit-atom hybrid    system under the Born-Markov limit

C61(5) Donghoon Ha and Jeong San Kim : Bound on local minimum-error discrimination of bipartite quantum states

C62(136) Chan Roh, Young-Do Yoon, Jiyong Park and Young-Sik Ra : Continuous-Variable Nonclassicality Detection under Coarse-Grained Measurement

C63(298) Shao Hen Chiew and Leong Chuan Kwek : Near-term quantum algorithm for the preparation of highly excited eigenstates

C64(166) Myeongjin Shin, Junseo Lee and Kabgyun Jeong : Quantum Neural Networks for Quantum Mutual Information Estimation

C65(118) Hyukgun Kwon, Changhun Oh, Youngrong Lim, Hyunseok Jeong and Liang Jiang : Efficiency of Virtual Purification in Quantum Metrology

C66(110) Changwon Lee and Daniel K Park : Scalable quantum measurement error mitigation via conditional independence and transfer learning

C67(279) Wayne Lin, Georgios Piliouras, Ryann Sim and Antonios Varvitsiotis : Quantum Common-Interest Games, Replicator Dynamics, and the Separability Problem

C68(160) Yongsoo Hwang : Cost of the Fault-Tolerant Quantum Circuits

C69(216) Julian Wechs and Ognyan Oreshkov : Subsystem decompositions of quantum circuits and processes with indefinite causal order

C70(242) Yiming Huang, Huiyuan Wang, Yuxuan Du and Xiao Yuan : Coreset Selection for Quantum Learning Algorithms

C71(282) Hyeon-Jin Kim, Ji-Hyeok Jung, Kyung-Jun Lee and Young-Sik Ra : Recovering quantum entanglement after its certification

C72(173) Jieun Choi, Inho Jeon, Ji-Hoon Kang and Hoon Ryu : The KQ-Cloud: A Cloud-based Service Framework for Quantum Computing Resources

C73(13) Ya-Dong Wu, Yan Zhu, Ge Bai, Yuexuan Wang and Giulio Chiribella : Quantum Similarity Testing with Convolutional Neural Networks

C74(182) Kyungmin Lee, Hyeongjun Jeon, Dongkyu Lee, Bongsang Kim and Taehyun Kim : Investigating the Quantum Advantage of Variational Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms based on Parameterized Quantum Circuits from the Perspective of the Classical Machine Learning

C75(257) Yasushi Horiba, Tiancheng Wang and Tsuyoshi Usuda : Effect of scattering on quantum ghost imaging and ordinary imaging