AQIS 2007

Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science
Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University, Japan
September 3 - 6, 2007

Camera Ready Submission


Instructions for abstracts

Format of the manuscripts

Invited speakers and authors of the accepted papers in the oral or poster presentation should prepare the camera ready version of the 1-2 page abstract to be included in the pre-proceedings. Please submit the abstract by August 15 via the camera ready submission page.

This camera-ready abstract has to meet the following conditions:


Style and Template files

We can provide style (for TeX system) and template files (for MS-Word). Please download followings and use freely.

Note: When you create PDF file from your manuscript source (especially from MS-Word), please select fonts carefully for some fonts cannot be handled well by PDF creating system.


Upload your manuscript

Please upload the abstract by August 15 via the camera ready submission page. (Closed)